{↑} Infrabee logo animation.
{↓} Logomark inspiration.
{→}{↓} Colour palette inspired by nature.
{↑} Custom typography 'Infrabee Sans'.
The stroke of the N and the bar in the A mirror the angles in the logo mark.
{←} Full character set of Infrabee Sans.
{↓} Infrabee tagline.
{↑} Supporting typeface Plus Jakarta Sans.
{→} Infrabee Sans numeral set.
{↓} Icons use the core DNA of the Infrabee logomark.
{←}{↓} Fully responsive website, designed and built by Studio.Build to work seamlessly across all browser sizes and types.
{↓} Custom map to show the Infrabee project locations.
{↑}{↓} Social media icons and assets.
{↑} Social media posts.
{←}{↓} Infrabee taglines.
{↑} Business cards.
{→} Printed letterhead.